Wings On King relies on local volunteers and visitors.
King Island is a working island providing around 6% of Tasmania’s GDP — but it has a small human population, with only a few residents having the expertise or time to monitor birds. We don’t have the human resources to gather the data we need.
That's why we hope you can give us a hand. We need bird enthusiasts and keen birders to work with us and undertake surveys.
When are surveys undertaken?
Surveys can be done at any time you choose to visit, but there are also specific survey weekends in Autumn and Spring that usually have special events attached to them.
Registered Wings On King participants have the opportunity to see and learn about King Island in a way that no ordinary visitor to the island can.
Access to Private Land
Field Plan and Kit
Returning the Survey Kits
Working in Groups
These ‘private’ sites provide an opportunity to visit many wonderful areas of King Island that few people have access to. They include private forests, riparian zones, farmlands, and remote coasts.
Each registered group or individual are given a specific Field Plan and accompanying Survey Kit. This Plan takes your needs and capabilities into account, as you specify on Registration. It also reflects the needs of the Project by allocating the sites that are most in need of surveys, while ensuring you have a good look around the island and visit plenty of special places.
The Wings on King Survey Kit contains a map, details of the survey sites and other relevant information you may need. Surveys undertaken on private land are pre-arranged with landholders contacted, so they know when to expect you and have pre-approved your visit.
The BirdLife Australia insurance policy requires that you sign a Field Work Plan and an Attendees List before you commence surveying.
Your signatures will be obtained at the Thursday Meet and Greet meeting will obtain these signatures from you at your first meeting.
Once signed, you are covered by the BirdLife Volunteer Insurance.
This usually occurs at the Saturday evening dinner unless you either don’t attend or haven’t completed your surveys. In that case make arrangements to return your Kit on the Thursday evening with one of the WoK team.
There are some ‘dead spots’ where mobile signals don’t reach. For this reason we would prefer you to work in groups of two or more. It’s safer should there be a mishap. If you prefer to go it alone, that’s OK too but we request that you check-in with us at the end of each day.
Arrange check in contact details prior to commencing surveys.
NOTE: Please be aware that your mobile phone may not work on King Island. As at 2024, networks available on King Island are only Telstra 4G.
How to participate in Wings On King
Register As A Wings On King Participant
Click on the yellow button below to Register on-line.
After we have received and confirmed your registration, you will be contacted by our team.
Part A of the Survey Kit will be sent to you by email. This contains important information about your trip to and time on King Island and should be read before you leave home. Another copy will be provided to you on your arrival.’
Register with BirdLife Australia’s Birdata
At least one member of your party needs to be registered with Birdata and have downloaded the App onto your phone unless you choose to submit your data on a hand-written sheet, which is also OK but not preferable. If you aren’t already registered its easy to click on the button below:
If you are a registered Birdata contributor but have forgotten or lost your login details, go to https://birdata.birdlife.org.au/get-started to learn how to update your details.
Birdata Assistance: https://birdlife.org.au/programs/birdata/
Transport On King Island
To get around King Island, you will need a vehicle. There is no public transport on the Island.
You can hire vehicles on the Island or arrange for a car to be brought over by boat on a weekly cargo shipping services. This is only worth considering if you intend to be on King Island for several weeks.
The type of car you need will depend on your fitness and health and the sites you survey. Some sites are remote and require a 4WD. Some require a high clearance vehicle, but not necessarily a 4WD and some are suitable for a sedan.
Both 4WD and 2WD High Clearance vehicles are available on KI, however they are in limited supply so the sooner you book the better.
Ensure Your Mobile Will Work On King Island
The best method of data entry is via the Birdata App. You may need to download this if you don't already have it. Its free!
As a safety precaution, Wings on King needs to have a mobile phone number for at least one person in your group.
NOTE: As at September, 2024, the only network available on King Island is Telstra 4G.
On Arrival on King Island
If you are coming to an organised event, your first meeting with the Wings on King team will occur at the Thursday evening ‘Meet and Greet’ which is held at the King Island Gallery between 5.30-7 pm.
If you are not coming to an organised event you will need to arrange the following by contacting KI Landcare WoK team.
At this first meeting you will:
Be allocated into teams with a team leader. The Team Leader will either be nominated by you if you are in a group, or the WoK organising team.
Be given your Wings on King Kit which contains a copy of the Field Plan Part A, Field Plan Part B giving sites you will visit including directions, and various other relevant information, including a map.
The Team Leader will agree to the Plan B and sign it on behalf of the team.
All members of the team will sign Part C Attendance form. Both these signatures are required to comply with the BirdLife Volunteer Insurance criteria.
Once signed, Part C is retained by the WoK team, while the signed copy of Part B stays with the team and is returned with the Kit.
If you are not attending the Saturday evening dinner or won’t be finishing monitoring your sites until the Sunday, you need to arrange when and where to return the Kits prior to departing the island.
Group Leader Responsibilities
Data Collection:
The data is collected as 20 minute, 2 hectare sites - as specified for each site;
Data is submitted via the BirdLife Birdata App, under General Birdata, Shared Sites and against each site. To find the site enter 'WoK site' before the number. Instructions for this are included in your WoK Kit. Please follow these even if you are a regular contributor to Birdata, to ensure the data is assigned to the correct site. It is important that you undertake the surveys within the designated area rather than enter individual co-ordinates;
Ensure all bird lists are correct and submitted to Birdata;
Ensure the Team is safe:
Ensure all group members understand and comply with the Occupational Health and Safety requirements included in the WoK Kit;
That the Kit is returned to the Wings on King Team before departure ;
Each team must carry a First Aid Kit with them. Check anything special members of the Team may need and that they carry their own as needed while surveying e.g. ventilators for asthma;
Hate technology? You can submit it by hand
If you would prefer to submit the data by hand rather than on-line, there is a sheet in the kit that you can use or alternatively, write your bird list on the back of the Evaluation sheet for that site, which are found within your Kit.
Please make sure: Your writing is legible and you haven't used your own abbreviations and that all details we need are there being:
Site name and number.
Date of count.
Number of observers.
Duration of count including the beginning and end time.
Bird List and numbers of each species seen.
Enjoy Your Visit To King Island
King Island has a vibrant, friendly and welcoming community who love to welcome, and share their island with visitors. They will go out of their way to help you. Let them know that you are here to help the island by collecting data about the island's birds and they will be interested and highly appreciative.
Talking about birds also helps local residents understand just how valuable the birds of King Island are.
There are many interesting things to do and see on King Island, as well as surveying our wonderful birds, so plan a few extra days if you can.
Let us know about your experiences and how we did. We love constructive feedback.
We look forward to welcoming You!
Restoring Habitat: An optional Extra to Bird Surveys
Due to the minimal native habitat remaining on King Island, it is very important to keep remnants as healthy and diverse as we can.
One of the major issues is Asparagus Fern invading important remnants. To help us manage this, KI Landcare has added an opportunity to do some weeding, prior to and immediately after the bird surveys twice a year.
This is an important conservation initiative that will help keep the Birds of King Island safe. Registration for these activities are available in the WoK survey form. If you wish to come at any other time and assist with this important work, please Contact Us.
Wings on King Registration
Before Beginning A Survey
A person surveying by themselves needs to be a registered BirdLife Birdata contributor and at least one member of a Group must be a registered BirdLife Birdata contributor.
If you are a registered Birdata contributor but have forgotten or lost your login details, then please contact the BirdLife Birdata managers directly.
Phone (03) 9347 0757 and press 7 or Email birdata@birdlife.org.au
Who Needs To Register?
Each group or individual needs to register with Wings On King as a Participant.
Benefits Of Registering With Wings On King
If you register with the Wings On King project you will survey sites on private land and have a field plan designed and tailored for you.
On registration you will be contacted by a member of the Wings On King team who will provide all the details for your survey expedition.